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You’ve settled into your new island in Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch and now you’re ready to show it off to the world. Here’s how to unlock the different multiplayer features in .

您已经在Nintendo Switch的Animal Crossing中定居了新岛,现在可以向世界展示它了。 以下是解锁《》中不同的多人游戏功能的方法。

解锁渡渡鸟航空机场 (Unlock the Dodo Airlines Airport)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Orville

On day 2 of your new island, Tom Nook will announce in the town plaza that access to the airport is now available. Head to the Dodo Airlines and talk to Orville, the bird behind the counter.

在您的新岛的第二天,汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)将在城市广场宣布可以使用机场了。 前往渡渡鸟航空(Dodo Airlines),与柜台后面的小鸟奥维尔(Orville)交谈。

Orville will spill all of the details about what the airport does. When he’s finished, select “I want visitors”.

奥维尔(Orville)将泄漏有关机场运作的所有详细信息。 完成后,选择“我想要访客”。

From here, Orville will lay some ground rules. He will remind you that names, the in-game chat, bulletin-board posts, the look of the island, rooms in homes, and custom designs and other content are all visible to other players—all of this can be found in Nintendo’s website.

从这里开始,奥维尔将制定一些基本规则。 他会提醒您,其他玩家可以看到姓名,游戏中的聊天记录,公告栏上的帖子,岛屿的外观,房屋的房间以及自定义设计和其他内容,所有这些都可以在任天堂的找到。网站。

nintendo code of conduct

When you finish reading the short terms and conditions prompt, you’ll be asked if you want to invite visitors for online play.


Local play does not require an internet connection or a . If you choose to visit friends over an internet connection, you will need a Nintendo Online subscription.

本地播放不需要互联网连接或。 如果您选择通过Internet连接访问朋友,则需要Nintendo Online订阅。

After confirming your preferred connection, the game will save and you’ll be asked who you would like to invite.


如何在本地与朋友联系 (How to Connect With Friends Locally)

Animal Crossing new horizons local play

Choosing to play locally does not require an internet connection, and for extra security, you can give other players a temporary Dodo Code (more on that below) to join the local connection.


Any player with their account connected to the Nintendo Switch can start the game or join the pre-existing established island.

帐户连接到Nintendo Switch的任何玩家都可以开始游戏或加入现有的已建立岛屿。

After new players have finished the Dodo Airlines Airport tutorial, they will receive a new app on their Nook Phone called “Call Islander.” This app allows players to invite other residents who live on the island for co-op play, also known as Party Play.

新玩家完成Dodo Airlines Airport教程之后,他们将在其Nook电话上收到一个名为“呼叫岛民”的新应用。 该应用程序允许玩家邀请居住在岛上的其他居民进行合作游戏,也称为派对游戏。

Each player can have their own house on the island. Up to eight players can live on the island at once, but Party Play only allows four people to play at once.

每个玩家都可以在岛上拥有自己的房子。 一次最多可以有8位玩家在岛上生活,但是派对游戏最多只能允许4个人同时玩。

To use local play, you and the other player must be on the same Wi-Fi network—think


The player who started the invite will be labeled the leader while the other residents that join will be labeled followers. Followers can only assist the leader with tasks such as picking up seashells, fishing, and catching insects. Each player must have their own joy-con controller.

开始邀请的玩家将被标记为领导者,而其他加入的居民将被标记为跟随者。 追随者只能协助领导者完成诸如捡贝壳,钓鱼和捉虫之类的任务。 每个玩家必须有自己的joy-con控制器。

使用渡渡鸟代码邀请朋友 (Use the Dodo Code to Invite Friends)

Animal Crossing New Horizons dodo code

The Dodo Code is a nifty way to invite players who aren’t on your Nintendo Switch friends list—Orville will give you a temporary five-character code to share with other players—no strings attached.

“渡渡鸟代码”是一种邀请不在Nintendo Switch朋友名单上的玩家的好方法-Orville将为您提供一个临时的五个字符的代码以与其他玩家共享-不附带任何条件。

Using this feature for the first time will also unlock the Best Friends List on your Nook Phone (more on that below).


Players who visit your island with a Dodo Code won’t be able to cut down your trees or take anything off the island (except fruit that drops from the fruit trees).


When you’re finished playing, ask Orville to close the gate and the players will be asked to leave the island.


如何使用Nintendo在线与朋友联系 (How to Connect With Friends Using Nintendo Online)

Animal Crossing new horizons online play

Choosing Online Play when visiting the airport lets you connect to anyone who plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons as long as you both have a Nintendo Online subscription and access to the internet.

只要您都拥有Nintendo Online订阅并可以访问互联网,在访问机场时选择“在线游戏”就可以连接到任何玩动物穿越:新视野的人。

animal crossing online play

At the airport, tell Orville that you’d like to play online, and when asked who you want to invite, select “All My Friends!”


Orville will save your game and open the gates. Your Nintendo Switch friends can join your island by following similar prompts in their game’s airport.

Orville将保存您的游戏并打开大门。 您的Nintendo Switch朋友可以按照游戏机场中的类似提示加入您的岛屿。

使用最好的朋友列表 (Using the Best Friends List)

animal crossing new horizons best friend list

When interacting with other online players, you can choose to add them to the Best Friends List in your Nook Phone. Players labeled as a best friend can use any tool on your island (you’ve been warned).

与其他在线玩家互动时,您可以选择将其添加到Nook手机的“最佳朋友列表”中。 被标记为最好朋友的玩家可以使用您岛上的任何工具(已被警告)。

Once they’ve accepted your friend request, you can message them using the in-game keyboard and invite them whenever they’re online. And, if you have several people in your Best Friends List, you can invite them all as a group—this makes inviting a large party to your island incredibly easy.

他们接受您的朋友请求后,您可以使用游戏内键盘向他们发送消息,并在他们在线时邀请他们。 而且,如果您在“最佳朋友”列表中有几个人,则可以将他们全部邀请为一个小组,这使邀请大型聚会到您的岛屿变得异常容易。

在渡渡鸟航空使用邮政服务 (Using Postal Services at Dodo Airlines)

animal crossing new horizons postal service

Mail between villagers in the Animal Crossing franchise has always been a big deal, and now you can send customized mail to the people on your friends list.

Animal Crossing专营权中村民之间的邮件一直很重要,现在您可以向朋友列表中的人发送自定义邮件。

When first visiting the Dodo airport, Orville will fill you in on the postal services he offers. Off to his right, you’ll see a rack of envelopes that you can send to friends for 200 Bells.

首次访问渡渡机场时,奥维尔(Orville)将为您提供他所提供的邮政服务。 在他的右边,您会看到一包信封,可以以200铃的价格发送给朋友。

You can also attach presents. Certain cards that correspond to specific events or seasons are available for a limited time.

您还可以附加礼物。 与特定事件或季节相对应的某些卡在有限的时间内可用。

Whether you want to play with friends in the comfort of your home or if you want to swing open the gates and open your island to the public, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has got you covered.




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